Property In Selangor - PKNS
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PKNS Privacy and Security Policy

Privacy and Security Policy

Your Privacy

This page explains on our privacy policy which includes the use and protection of information submitted by visitors. If you make a transaction or send an e-mail containing personal information, this information may be shared with other public sector agencies to help provide more efficient and effective services. For example, to resolve or record complaints, the information required is distributed to other government agencies.

Personal Data

Visitors may be asked to submit personal information such as name and e-mail address in order to use the services on this site. The services are such as sending notices via e-mail, website feedback or suggestions of ideas/ applications. Any personal information submitted to this website will not be disclosed except as permitted by the law.

Accumulated Information

None of your personal information is stored when you visit this site unless you decide to submit information through publication orders, delivery of e-mails or e-mail service subscription on this website.

This website only shares your information with other government agencies if your question relates to the agency, or vice versa if required.

Log Information

When you visit this website, we may store the log information automatically such as the internet protocol address where you surf, date and time, name of the website where you perform links, file names or words you search, details you click on the website, and browser as well as operating systems you use.

This log information is used to measure the number of visitors who visit the website and identify the performance or issues of the system. We also use this information to assist in developing the site, analyse usage patterns, and to make this site more useful. This site does not share or sell your visitor data for advertising, marketing or any other commercial purposes.

Use of Cookies

This site generates cookies, which are collected by the web browser to enable it to recognise you for the next visit. These cookies do not store your data permanently and it is not stored in the hard disc of your computer. The cookies will be deleted once you close your browser.

Links to Other Websites

This website contains links to other websites. The privacy policy only applies to this site only. It should be noted that the websites available in the links may have different privacy policies and visitors are advised to read and understand the privacy policy of each website they visit.

Data Protection

The latest technology includes data encryption software used to protect the data submitted and compliance to strict security standards are maintained to prevent unauthorised access.

Security Policy

  • Visitors who wish to use facilities such as feedback to the website update must register for security reasons to prevent untoward incidents.
  • Visitors are fully responsible for any information provided on this website.
  • Visitors should make sure that any files attached together (if any) are free from any bugs.
  • Government and private agency websites that require a link to this website must obtain approval from the Administrator of this website.
  • Breaking or hacking attempts on this website is strictly prohibited.

Policy Amendments

Any amendments in the policy will be updated on this page. Make sure you always browse the privacy and security policy section to ensure that you are always aware of the information stored, methods and the time it is used.

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